Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Longest Post - Lot's of Pictures

This summer when we got home from California I threw my phone in the center console of the car.  When we got out of the car Piper put her sippy cup in the console too.  Anyway, I ended up with a new phone.  The good thing was that this one takes pictures. (My other phone stopped taking pictures a few weeks after I got it) So here all my pictures from July 10th-Sept 24th.
Preston at 13 months.  
Asher, just turned 6.
 Carrie and Adam came back to Utah with us.  Jazi is so crafty, and made a bunch of little pipe cleaner people.  We had stake conference last week, and we found all of her little creations, and it kept the kids busy for a long time!  My kids thought Jazi was the best!
 I have heard so many things about foam day in Lehi, and really wanted to take the kids.  I programmed it into my calendar and everything. I still got it wrong.  I put the girls down for a nap, and Matt told me that it was that day.  So I just took Asher.  It looked like a lot of fun.  But he complained about being alone, and wished the sisters could have come too.  When we got in the car to drive the 10 blocks home, he goes, "I just want to go back to my old life, and not be at foam day."
 Asher and Jazi were outside all day getting everything down into their notepads.
 He even got to spray the foam!
 When my parents lived in Alpine my mom would pour a little bit of vinegar into a cup, then make a paper funnel, and the fruit flies would climb to the bottom of the funnel trying to get the vinegar.Then they can't figure out how to get back out. 

I saw this in with our fruit the other day, and was laughing because Asher thought of it on his own, and made it. The funny part though, is that; the funnel is all taped up, upside down, and there is no vinegar.  But... it is covered with fruit flies. 
 Asher wore a camel back for like 2 days this summer.  It just turns into a problem when the bladder in the camel back is bigger than the bladder in his belly.  We finally had to put a stop to that.
 Piper loves Costa Vida/Cafe Rio as much as her mom does.  I mean, it really is the best!
 I just love her! I always put the girls to bed at 1:30.  I  mean, every single day!  I don't miss days, I'm rarely late, and they always take naps! But lately, Averi gets up, locks her door, (the lock is on the outside, the people before us must have turned it around) and plays.  When she hears Piper wake up, like 2 hours later, I hear Averi screaming and shaking her door.  This is what I found behind the door this day.  A happy girl that found chap stick in her room.  The good thing about it is that it's great for eye brows.
 Kenny and JoyLynn came down and Kenny took Asher, Bryce, Kyle, and Jai fishing.  We came a little later to bring food.  I took a video of the girls yelling to the "duck-e-lings". They were yelling at them for not wanting to eat their grass.
 Asher, staying close by to Grandpa Moore.
 Preston, trying to keep cool in the shade.
 They had a water day in preschool, so I picked them up, then came straight to the pond.
 The other day I heard her singing, I love to see the temple, and at the end she sang, "...I'll prepare myself while I am young, this is my sleeping beauty." So sweet!  I love how the girls are always singing.

The other day we were running some errands, and I asked the girls if they wanted a hamburger. Piper said she wanted a hambooger. Averi immediately corrected her, "It's ham-ver-ger!" They were both so serious, and both were going to fight to the bitter end to win that battle!
 I had to take a picture of this.  I asked the girls to go upstairs and get dressed.  They got a little nervous, and asked what to wear. I told them, "Just shorts and a shirt." They came down matching. I was proud. They really do like to match.  Piper will usually pick out the outfit, then help Averi will see what to wear from there. 

One of my favorite things that they do right now is, Piper can take her shirts off by herself.  Averi has a little bit harder time.  So when Averi needs her shirt off, she asks Piper to do it.  Even if I'm standing right there. It's just their little thing they do for each other. I love how they are with each other.
 I see this face quite a bit!
 Matt's niece got married, and here is my cute baby on the grass.  He's such a sweet baby!  I just love how big and strong and squishy he is! He's just a big baby! 
 These cute kids were all full of eclairs, and I was happy they had a big garden to run around in afterwards.
 They love playing together!
 We decided to visit Matt's parents in Idaho.  It had been since before we had Preston that we were up there. I decided that boosters would be easier for the long drive than car seats.  They liked them!
 Piper got tired, she never misses her naps! So I made a bed for her on the ground, in between the seats.  This was about 10 minutes before we left.  I think she was asleep right after we pulled out.
 This sweet girl loves her sleep.
 My mom moved to Pleasant Grove. She brought a little ottoman that you can open.  My kids love it!
 He spends the entire time we are there getting in, then out, then in, then out.
 Asher wanted hot lunch at school.  He was really nervous about doing it for the first time. Needless to say, Averi and Piper loved having it at home with them!
 I was having a hard time getting Asher to focus on his homework, so I turned the little desk in the laundry room into a place that's just his to study.  I showed him how I bought him a little clock and light.  His reply, "Mom, you shouldn't have bought me this stuff.  I know you are paying off my nose surgery, and you shouldn't have spent money on me."  Too bad he doesn't think about that when we are at the store and he can't ask me to buy him stuff fast enough.
 What kid doesn't love it when they realize they fit into the bottom drawer?
 This is a funny picture. Averi is inside of this little walker, and Preston hops on, and the kids take him for rides around the kitchen.  I die laughing every time I see them do this!
 Asher went into the laundry room to do his homework.  Preston just cried outside the door until Asher came out. (5-10 seconds)
 He loves baths! He also loves to lay down in the tub, he thinks it's funny, and chokes half of the time. So, it makes it hard to get anything done when he's in the tube because I can't take my eyes off of him.  Also, he can turn on the water, but he usually just turns on the hot water. But he does say, "No, no, no" the entire time he does it.
 Preston crashing the girls picnic.
 Last Sunday afternoon we were outside on a blanket and the kids were playing, then Piper came up to me crying that she her stomach hurt.  She had done this a few times previously.  This time it was worse, and the pain wasn't going away like it had before.  So she kept crying, and it got worse and worse. We couldn't decide what to do, so my mom and I took her to the Emergency Room.  She fell asleep on our way there.  When we got there I talked to a nurse, and we decided that it wasn't anything urgent.  So we brought her home, then the next day she was still in pain.  So I brought her to the doctors.

When we were there she wasn't hurting that bad, and the doctor just said that she'd talk to a few other doctors, and call me back.

She called back.  They didn't know, but if she's in more pain tomorrow call back.  At about 11 at night she came back downstairs, in more pain than even the day before. So I brought her into the ER. As soon as we got there she started throwing up because the pain was so bad.  A doctor just happened to be walking by, and he was so nice.  Piper threw up a little on my foot, and the doctor immediately started cleaning each of my toes.

They took and X-Ray, they couldn't see anything, then sent us home with some loritab.  It was the only thing that took the edge off of the pain.
 The next day the ER called and wanted to do a CT scan.  They said it would be cheaper if her pediatrician called it in. So, back to the doctor's. When we got there, Piper was worse than I had ever seen her.  It made all the doctors nervous.  They didn't know why. So, they tried to schedule a scan but couldn't get her in anywhere, and said I needed to take her to the ER at Primary Children's in Riverton. So, another dose of loritab, then up to the hospital. 

When we got there I kind of lost it emotionally.  I started crying, because it was so sad to see Piper suffering so much!

They brought her back, gave her an IV, then started putting some fluids in her. So it's Tuesday afternoon at this point, and she hasn't eaten anything, or had anything to drink since Sunday.

After the blood draw and urine test we went down to get an ultrasound.

The tech was having a hard time, so she left to go find someone to help her. While I was sitting there in the dark room holding Piper I just had the strongest impression that my dad was there. And that he was there to help. I was really grateful for that experience.

Then we went back to our room and Piper slept for a few hours, and I just waited in her dark, cold room.  When the doctor came back he just had no idea what was going on.  All the tests came back negative. So at this point they thought she could have a condition called intussusception.  That's where the intestine telescopes or kinks on itself.  It's really painful, and she had all the symptoms. The cure for it is to either to and air enema, or surgery.  And if she had surgery on her intestines she would most likely have problems with them the rest of her life.

They sent us home, and told me to call if her symptoms continue.
 That night I emailed my family, and asked Matt to ask his family if everyone could fast for Piper. I got a reply from Greg a few minutes later saying that he just started his fast. This is the evening of Sept 18th, his birthday.  The next morning Greg woke up, traveled to Oakland, sat through a fancy catered lunch, didn't eat anything, then flew home.  He got home at 7:45, and from there broke his fast.  I was so grateful for his sacrifice, and unselfishness.  I just hope that if someone needs something from me, I'd be that willing to do whatever it was.

That day Piper woke up and was doing pretty good.  She hadn't had any loritab since 1am the night before. She also said she was hungry, so I made her a bunch of stuff.  She wouldn't really eat any of it though.  She did drink some apple juice though.  All day we were feeling really hopeful. At 5 that night I talked to her pediatrician.  He was worried after seeing her the day before. He gave me a few things to look out for, and if she did any of those things bring her to the ER, if not, just manage the pain.

Anyway, the pain came back in full force as soon as I hung up with him.  She started throwing up and screaming again. This went on all night. Then was up at 5 freaking out!  We brought her in to get adjusted, then I called the doctor back, and we decided to do the CT scan. So my mom came over, and babysat while we went up.

I started getting really nervous this morning, because it was Thursday, and she still hasn't kept anything down since Sunday, she hasn't pooped since Monday, and besides the pain, the only thing other symptom of intussusception was that nothing stays down, and they don't poop.

When we got to the hospital they said she had to drink 12 oz. of a drink with some dye in it. I immediately thought. Well, there is no way that's happening!

She did though! It took an hour and a half, and had to force her to keep going, and did it with a 2 teaspoon syringe.

This is the same place where she had her upper GI scan done a year and a half earlier.
 I asked Matt to come down and stay with us while we did this.  I'm so glad he did.  After not sleeping, and worrying about her, I was exhausted, and knowing she had to get another IV might have put me over the edge if he wasn't there.
 Since she had gotten an IV 2 days prior, she knew exactly what was going on.  It was pretty bad!  She was so worked up after getting the IV, there was no way she was going to lay on the table, and hold still.  Every time they got close to her IV she would freak out, because she thought they were going to take it out, which she learned hurt too.

They ordered something to kind of sedate her so she'd hold still on the table.
 It's so hard to watch your kid be in pain, be scared, and then super out of it!  A few minutes after the scan the guy to read it came in and said that there was nothing anatomically wrong with her. A lot of abdominal pain goes undiagnosed.  I just felt a wave of relief! Matt was frustrated because he wanted an answer.  I was glad that she didn't have to have anything else done.

Matt left and went back to work.  I took Piper to a recovery/waiting room.  She said she was hungry, and started eating. She ate some wafer cookies, and jell-o. Then just started feeling better.  When we got home, she was outside playing until it was time for bed.

That night she was up all night long in pain! This was one of the longest nights for me. I think she was just really constipated at this point. The next morning we loaded her up with mirilax, then bribed her. We spent most of the day with her on the toilet pushing.  Nothing happened. She did eat all day though.

Saturday morning, I was folding laundry, thinking, I can't worry about her pooping. I've done all I can, she'll do it when she's ready.  Then I heard her from the bathroom, saying she had pooped.  She sure did, and off to the dollar store we went!
 The night I was in the room with Piper while she slept at the hospital I was thinking how it might be a while until I have my little work out buddy back.  I do exercise videos in the living room.  I always turn it on, get my water bottle and towel, then come back to start it.  Then the girls work out with me a little, and then just end up cuddling on the couch with their blankets watching me.

This picture was taken Saturday, she went and found a towel and water bottle. Then started doing planks and push ups.  I was so happy to have her back.  She's had almost no pain since!
 Asher has this little picnic table, and spends a lot of time putting it up, then taking it back down. He eats most meals at that table, and is always looking for someone to have a real or pretend picnic with at the table. I looked outside, and saw Preston sitting there with Asher, they were just facing each other for a long time.  It looked like they were talking, I doubt they were since Preston only knows gibberish. Of course by the time I got a picture he was on the move.

Asher's so funny! I spent $24 for him to get his school pictures. When he got them home I found the sheet with his pictures on it folded up in a pocket in his backpack. Before I realized what he was doing, he had cut up all the pictures, not in super straight lines, and was giving all of the pictures away.  A neighbor kid came over, and brought a few back.  He said that he found a picture of Asher on everyone's porch's.
 I was making dinner last night, and Piper has always liked to be really involved in anything I do, and she just put her arm around me, and leaned on me the whole time.

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