Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

We got our family pictures taken this last November. They turned out so cute! She's the best photographer and Is so good at getting everyone looking at the camera and smiling. I guess she's had a lot of experience with large groups. Her name's Crystal Hadlock. Anyway, I just posted some of my favorite.
I met up with Crystal to get the CD of pictures. She had put a few on the outside of the case and I was looking at them. Then I thought, "Oh my gosh the girls look so alike in these pictures, I can barely tell them apart!" Then I looked a little closer. See if you can tell what happened.

Averi had gotten photo shopped right out of the picture. We laughed about it. I guess Matt and I switched babies during the same pose and I had put so much pressure on her to edit them fast that she got mixed up! This next picture is one of my favorites. It's just so precious to me.
I liked this one because it kind of shows their personality a bit more. Averi's always got something small in her delicate fingers and is making that face concentrating on how she's going to get it in her mouth. Piper's always looking up at me to see what I'm doing and if I'm noticing or connecting with her. These girls are so different from each other. It's been fun watching them grow and change. Piper crawls all over and Averi just bends and stretched without having to crawl. She'll crawl a tiny bit, I'm thinking that in a couple of days they'll both be all over the place.
This is my handsome boy! He's so sweet. He's getting so old! I've been really working on having him do things himself. Lately he wants me to feed him, dress him, buckle him in his booster, carry his stuff and clean up after him. The other day he cleaned, ate and had gotten himself dressed. When he was done he asked for a piece of candy for doing so well. I just ignored his question and he went away. He came back over to me and showed me his candy that he just unwrapped. He was about to put it in his mouth and I yelled, "NO!!!" That made him put it in his mouth faster. That's when he realized that just because chicken bullion is wrapped up doesn't mean that it's candy!
Here's Matt and I. This picture is really telling of Matt and I, we love fences and often times pose by them!
Asher has the softest cheeks. A mouse ear is the only thing comparable. I don't feel comfortable rubbing a mouse ear on my cheek so it's fun to have Asher.
Ok, I'm about done with the captions about each picture.
This is Averi, most people use their hair to tell them apart and can't tell with their hats on. She's so sweet, she'd found a piece of glass on the ground and put it in her mouth seconds before this picture and even with a little cut she was as happy as can be.
Piper, she has such an expressive face.
We went and saw the reindeer at Thanksgiving point again. I usually last for about 5-10 seconds. It's usually the coldest I am all year.
We went in and got hot chocolate afterwards. We love going to Thanksgiving Point. We go quite a bit and always have fun there. Don't mind the blank stare on Averi's face. They wake up in the 5 o'clock hour so I've been doing all I can to keep them up later. It might have been a quarter to seven here. So she was exhausted!
Asher thinks that it's banana pudding, not figgy pudding. Then wanted me to take a picture of him saying banana pudding. I love this picture because it shows his tie. He loves a tie like he does a good mustache. But he can't see it when it's on his shirt under his sweater. He's worn it to church like this 2 weeks in a row. I think it's cute!
I had the girls from across the street over. They just read to the girls, and loved them to death. It was fun to see the difference of how Asher plays with them. At first Asher and the older girls were playing with the girls, then the 3 year old came up to me and asked if I could go upstairs and get more babies because there wasn't one for her.
Sometimes I'll throw the girls in the sink when they've eaten something messy. These girls are so fun, I love the looks on their little faces.
Here's Averi not quite crawling!
When my sister was in town we tried to get a few family pictures. This is everyone!
Probably my favorite of all 3.


Allred Mom said...

What great pictures! Everyone is growing up so fast!
Thanks for sharing!

Emily said...

Great pictures!!! Everyone smiling, wow!

Mike said...

Holy cow!! I can't believe I'm related to such beautiful people. It's kind of like I'm related to movie stars!!

Keisel Family said...

I laughed all throughout this post. You are so funny! Kurt and I love to pose next to fences too.

hilda dada said...

Great job here. I really enjoyed what you had to say. Keep going because you definitely bring a new voice to this subject. Not many people would say what you’ve said and still make it interesting. Well, at least I’m interested. Cant wait to see more of this from you. buy meizitang