Saturday, January 9, 2010

We've almost made it through the first year!

Matt and I are really looking forward to this year. I'm looking forward to the girls walking and talking more. I love watching our kids learn and grow. That's my favorite part about being a mom.
Asher graduated from nursery and started Primary this year. He told me all week that he didn't want to go to Primary then as soon as we were walking to his class I told him that he'd be a sunbeam and he was so excited! I didn't know that was the magic thing to say! He loves music so I think he's happy to sing more. The other day I was holding Piper and trying to get her to sleep. So I sang her a song. Then every time I'd finish a song Asher would say, "Mom, I think Piper wants you to sing..." then name his favorite songs.

We took the kids to see the reindeer at Thanksgiving Point! That's always so cold that we're inside within minutes. Here we are with the girls trying to warm up.

This Christmas we had it at our house. We waited until both Matt's and my parents could be there. So Asher waited patiently until 11:00am to open presents. He was really good, you never know how they're going to act when they're surrounded by way too many presents.

The girls on the other hand were so tired! They didn't sleep that great and were so tired and just laid there the whole time.

Grandma Moore got the girls the cutest little baby monkeys. As soon as the girls got it they were both sucking on the baby's binkie. If only I could get them to take one! I still try everyday. They're almost one and I haven't given up on them taking binkies.

It look like everything Asher got was red. He always told me that he wanted a fishing pole for Christmas, but every time he sat on Santa's lap he told him that he wanted a real golf club like his dad's. So cute! So my mom found one for him. He loves it!

Averi played with those pots and spatulas for the longest time. I think we forgot about her and left her downstairs all by herself accidentally.

Averi has the biggest eyes and is always making the cutest faces. She just has a couple teeth all spaced apart. It makes her smile so cute! She loves to play with toys. I always try to hold her and cuddle with her but she just pushes me away and is off trying to find toys. Of course every toy that Averi finds Piper wants. Averi gets so mad! She screams like she smashed her finger and just throws a little fit. It's pretty funny but a little too dramatic for me. Averi is so funny. She started crawling right before Christmas. So she's moving around now, but there's something different about her body. It's really loose and floppy. When you pick her up it feels like her bones and things aren't held together very tightly and you're going to hurt her. Then once you're holding her she doesn't even support herself. Her upper half just hangs there. I'll have to get a picture of it, because unless you've held her or seen it I'm sure it just sounds weird.

Piper's so busy right now. She's all over the place, but she likes to be where I am. She would have me hold her ALL DAY LONG! If I'm not holding her she's usually whining and tugging on my leg. She's pretty cuddly so it's fun to hold her. She's the exact opposite of Averi as far as muscle tone. She is so strong! She's got to be about 3-4 pounds bigger. They're both way off the charts as far as length goes, I'll have to bring them in and get them all measured. Averi's the smallest of the kids and she's really tall too. That little face just melts my heart.
This picture was taken at about 6am. The girls were both up and just really wanted to be up by me. Averi has a hard time pulling herself up to her feet, she just stays on her knees. They're pretty fun. They've both got the cutest personalities. It's been so hard but fun too. Lately it's been taking me two hours to get them to bed, and since they take two naps I've been spending about 5-6 hours a day trying to get them all to sleep. It's been just exhausting and discouraging. We don't have another room so we could split them up so we've just been trying to figure something out. I finally set up a pack and play in our closet and Averi's been sleeping in there for about a day now. It's already making a huge difference. They aren't waking each other up.

1 comment:

Kelli Proctor said...

so fun! WHat a fun Christmas! LOVE the family pics, such a good looking family!