Asher wanted me to take a picture of him on his birthday and post it on facebook. This was his 6th birthday. The next day he went in for surgery. He had procedure done called a turbinoplasty. They kind of cleaned out everything in his nose so he could breathe better when he sleeps. I had gotten the results from his sleep study a few days earlier, and his oxygen would drop down to 67% 16 times per hour during his rem cycles. So as soon as I heard that I felt like it was urgent to move on to the next thing and see if we can get him sleeping better. While he was under I had them draw his blood to test for allergies. When the lady called to confirm Asher's follow up appointment for his nose I asked if the allergy results were in, and she said they were. So I go, "Does it look like he's allergic to stuff?" She looked at the results and told me that he was allergic to wheat, rice, oats, corn, peanuts, and dairy. I was out running when she called. And it took the wind out of my sails, to say the least! My first thought was that she had the wrong kid. Then I started thinking that he gets a stomach ache after every thing he eats. He always stops eating because his stomach hurts, not because he's full. Or he feels full after a few bites. Before she hung up she asked if he had an epipen, because some of the things he's allergic to could send him into anaphylactic shock. It was a long 24 hours before his actual appointment. When I did get in to see the Dr. he said that the food allergies weren't severe, but the weeds and tree allergies were. So he's going to start a treatment to help lessen them. I still don't know what to do about the food allergies. Eating is such a chore for him, and for me too! I haven't decided if he's getting enough sleep yet. I gave him melatonin last night before he went to bed. Last night was the first good night sleep he's had in a long time. I think I'll try that for a week and see if he can get used to what it feels like to get enough sleep. I think he's used to waiting until he's completely exhausted before he goes to sleep, and he'll just play around for a couple hours when I put him to bed. Then the girls wake him up at 7 each morning. I do feel like he's doing a little better at school though.
Last night I went an ran some errands by myself, so Matt was here with the kids and gave them some ice cream. Matt said, "This ice cream is freezing cold." Then Piper goes, "Yeah, it's freezing cold!" Then Averi goes, "Piper! Don't say that!" Then Piper smiled and goes, "This ice cream is freaking cold!" I've said it a million times. But there's nothing cuter than when they play and pretend together, because they just think the same. If one of them thinks it very little is said, and the other is right there as if they thought it together. It's so funny when another kid plays with them, I watch the girls explain everything to the other kid, and they still don't understand.
This is how Asher was eating peanut butter the other day. The knives that were lined up were used, and the other four were in line to be used. I asked why he's doing that, and he said that Dad doesn't want his germs...
This last weekend was mothers day, and little Brett got married. It was a cool ceremony because Elder Christofferson sealed them in the Salt Lake temple. The next day Matt and I spoke in Sacrament meeting. After sacrament meeting they handed out chocolate bars. Then after church Asher gave me a sucker stick with a little card that said, "Happy Mothers day!" I go, "Asher, where's the sucker?" Quickly, and loudly (in church) goes, "Oh, I knew you were on a diet so I ate for you!" I really have been dieting. I've lost 14 pounds since we've been in our new house. If I lose 8 more I'll weigh what I did when I got married. Let's just hope the muscle to fat ratio is the same as it was then! :)
The kids wanted to sing a song the other day and have me post it on facebook. Averi just ended up doing a solo. They're sweet kids!
This might be one of my favorite pictures. I love those little faces! Piper was "stuck" in her bucket. It looked like so much fun, that Averi went and found a bucket so they could be stuck together!
I have absolutely loved Preston at this age. He is so so cute! He just loves me so much and it melts my heart every time I see him and he sees me. Especially if he hasn't seen me for a few minutes. He just gets so excited! I love it!
Yesterday was the girls last day of preschool. Asher and the girls leave at the same time, then Preston goes down for a nap right then too. But for some reason Preston would not go to sleep. He just kept crying. That's when I work out, so I finally just got him up, and put him on the couch with a show. He was so tired because it was nap time, and he'd been crying for a while. He just lay there and watched me work out and smiled the whole time.
See! It's the cutest little face!
Matt was hanging up blinds yesterday, and Preston just pulled himself up to the window sill and watched him the whole time. It was so cute. He loves Matt so much too! This isn't the best picture, but you can kind of see where he stores all of his 32 pounds. It's all in his back side and legs. I've never seen a baby with that big of a butt! It's the cutest butt, but I have no idea where those genetics are from!
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