Thursday, September 22, 2011

Asher Starts Kindergarten

Asher started Kindergarten this Month. I love this picture of him. He's so cute and growing up so fast! I thought when he got going to school he was just going to love it and make a million friends right away. I don't know if it was a little much for him, but it took him a week or 2 to feel comfortable in school and now that he's been in school for about 3 weeks he loves it and is making a bunch of new friends. Asher walks out the door at 8:50 and gets home at 12:30. He rides the bus and it's kind of a different feeling just letting him leave, figure out the bus and school on his own, then return when the bus drops him off. I didn't even bring him on his first day. If I did drop him off it would've been outside and he'd still have had to walk in alone. And if he rode the bus there were aids there to help him if he needed help.

Anyway, every morning when Asher leaves for school the girls always say they want a hug, so Asher starts with one of the girls, and when he's giving her a hug he picks her up and goes, "K, let's go to school you can come with me." Then she laughs and when he starts walking to the door she freaks out. So he puts her down, then gives the other one a hug does the same thing again. Then he goes to school. It's funny because now they ask for a hug and to go to school with him, so he does his little thing, they still freak out every time, then he puts then down, they all laugh and he goes to school. Asher's little sense of humor is getting fun, I can joke around with him and he totally gets my sarcasm.

Asher's homework for school is to read for 20 minutes everyday. So at 1:30 when I lay the girls down I'm usually sitting by the computer feeding Preston and getting him to sleep. So Asher sits at the computer and reads books from a website online. I thought reading would be easier than it it. But we've been really good about sticking to it. And I'm happy to say that he's totally figuring it out. I am just so proud of him!

Our schedule now that Asher is in school has really turned into that, a schedule! This is what our day's like. We get up around 7, give or take a half hour. (It seems to always be taken from me!) Then get the kids breakfast, have them watch a show or play together. Then once the teasing is unbearable I have Asher get dressed and ready for school. By then I'm feeding Preston and reminding him to wear socks with his shoes and having him bring me pomade.

He's out the door, Prestons down for his first nap and it's just me and the girls. This is a fun time. So I clean up and give the girls baths. Lately Preston has been taking 3 hour naps. This is plenty of time to waste time on the computer, clean, shower, and play with the girls. I haven't a block of time and energy in a few years, so this has been nice.

Then Asher comes home at 12:30, we have lunch, run errands then naptime again. For Preston and the girls. I either work or have alone time with Asher. This is when he reads, or he'll help me make dinner or play with friends or something.

At 4-5 Matt gets home. After that it dinner, exercising, bed times, and errands.

I felt lucky to get such a good baby, but he's gone from good to even better. Today he took a 3 hour nap, then was up for a few hours. Then took a 2 hour nap. He'll be able to stay up for a few hours then to bed for the night by 7 or 8. He's been sleeping through the night since he was about 3 months. I just love him and how sweet he is. He's so happy all the time!
The other day I called the kids in the house and told them it was time for bed. Then Piper pulled out all the dish towels and Asher made Piper a little bed to sleep in.

Averi wanted a bed, but Asher didn't want to make another one, hence Averi's scowl and red eyes.
So she made her own.
Asher then decided to amp up the mess and pull out bath towels too!
Piper and Averi love their babies. Piper reads to her baby all the time! I love it!
I got the kids umbrellas and they just wanted it to rain so bad, finally it rained a little bit and by the time they got their umbrellas it was over. And now all the umbrellas are broken and never got to be used properly.
Piper loves to play like she's asleep. She's actually really good at it. This is always her sleeping face.
...and this is always her face when she wakes up.
The girls play so well together, they don't fight too much if it's just the 2 of them. The funny thing is if they do start fighting they have a few things they do to diffuse the situation. One will say, "Here puppy." Then the other one will immediately drop to their hands and knees and be a dog. The other thing they do is say they're SO tired to each other. It's usually Averi that does it, Piper will be chasing her or something, then Averi will say, "I'm SO tired Piper, then they'll put each other to bed, on the floor with their blankets.
The girls have been singing a lot. They were going to watch some little songs on youtube, then they wanted to sing, so I thought I'd record it, and of course Averi decided her feelings were hurt about something and pouted until I put the camera away.
I love Averi's little face. She's so cute and funny. Most of all she's fragile. Something cute she's been doing lately is making up her own words. It's usually adjectives. She has to describe everything with what she feels like it should sound like. Every thing good is Pampy. Every thing funny is Krunky. There are about 50 others but I just can't think of them now.
Averi loves helmets as much as Asher did.
I always sit in that brown chair to feed Preston, so the girls were sitting there with their babies taking care of them.

I love this little chubby boy! He is so happy all the time. And he loves Asher. Asher will sit by him and just talk to him, and Preston just has the biggest smile on his face.
I think my favorite thing about Preston is how much he loves me. I had like 10 pictures of him and every one of them he's just looking at me like he just loves me. There's nothing better. Well, him sleeping through the night is about as good.
This boy has some serious man boobs!
Just lovable!

...and even more lovable!
The picture at the top is just a few weeks earlier than these bath pictures. He has gained 5 pounds since then. Preston is 25 pounds and 27.5 inches long and he's only 3 months. I am scared to take him to the doctor because I don't want them to tell me to change anything. I think he'll just be a big boy and this is how big boys start out. I pulled up a growth chart online and he is so far off the charts. All our kids are off the charts, but he is WAY off the charts. It'll be fun to track his height and see how tall this little guy gets.

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