Friday, May 20, 2011

If anyone has been wondering what we're up to, this is it! Me doing as little as possible and the kids watching way too much TV! Averi is so funny, she can just make funny faces and loves the attention she gets when she does.

I'm about 36 weeks pregnant and just feeling so tired and uncomfortable. I've also been having a sharp pain on my c-section scar when I have contractions or when the baby moves. So I think we'll have this baby pretty soon. The doctor is kind of leaving it up to me to decide if the baby is developed enough and how bad the pain is getting. We're hoping to make it around 37 or 38 weeks.

We went 4 wheeling with Carl and Melanie. That was fun. The kids loved it too. The weather was perfect and there was dirt, snacks and gatorade for the kids and they had a lot of fun.

Asher got to ride on Kalli's 4 wheeler. He has since gotten a more masculine helmet. We're thinking next year would be fun to get one for him and maybe another so we can go with all the kids.

I love this picture, I'm not sure if their little faces or Zane's hair is the cutest part.

This little face is cute though!

Kalli and Asher. They love playing together!

Piper saw someone go to the bathroom in the dirt and decided she wanted to. She peed about 7 times and pooped once, all within an hour or 2. Then when we went home she went to the bathroom on her little toilet for about 3 days.

Then she wanted to watch a show on the 3rd day. I told her as soon as she went to the bathroom she could watch a show. She brought me a diaper, and I go, "Don't you want to go to the bathroom on the toilet?" And she goes, "All done!" And hasn't cared to use the toilet since then.

Poor Averi, she just wants what everyone else has SO BAD! It's sad enough that everyone usually gives her what she wants!

Asher turned 5 on Easter this year. We had his birthday the Friday before. He told me he wanted a party no one had ever seen before, a cowboy party. I actually couldn't find very much cowboy stuff, so I asked if Spiderman was ok. He said that it was and that's what he meant to ask for the first time.


Asher's spiderman cake that Piper grabbed as soon as we got it home. It still tasted good!

Opening presents.

Blowing out the candles.

Piper doesn't want to miss a thing!

That Sunday we had a bunch of family over for Easter. My parents were in town, then Carl and Melanie, and Brett and Rachel's families all came up. It was fun, but really cold!

Sharing candy.

Averi was a good little egg hunter. She just went around and gathered as many eggs as she could find. At this age most kids find one egg, eat the candy, then go look for another one.

2 days after Easter Asher got his tonsils out. I was just as nervous as he was. It just sounded horrible and the recovery is long. He did great though. We went in and he was nervous but did great. I guess he freaked out when they tried to put that mask on him and it took everyone back there to hold him down to get it on him.

He did good and by day 9 he was fine and has told me they don't hurt at all. I've noticed such a big difference in him since he's gotten them out. Before he had sleep apnea and just never got enough sleep. I could never get him on a sleep schedule that worked very good. Now he doesn't take very many naps, goes to bed early, doesn't wet the bed and wakes up happy. He used to just hit a wall at 2 or 3 and was so tired he could barely function. Now he's just normal all day. It's been so nice. We butt heads a lot less!

Matt got me a swing for Mothers day this year. It's only been nice enough to go outside a few times since I've gotten it, but it'll be nice to have when the baby's here.

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