Sunday, April 10, 2011

We moved!

This winter Matt got a 4 wheeler. The kids absolutely love it! They've only been on it in the cold so they'll have a lot of fun when it gets warmer. This February Matt and I decided that we needed a bigger house since we're expecting our 4th child. We ended up putting our house up for rent and rented a house down the road with a salon in it. It's a little bigger and has an extra bedroom, so we either have a guest bedroom or nursery. We're not sure yet. I was a little nervous moving the kids. Averi had been sleeping in our closet, and when we moved I wanted to put her in a room with Asher, it's worked out really well. I think he wakes her up every morning, but at least she can take a long nap if she needs more sleep. She has just been so sweet! She's talking a ton and is very opinionated. Her hair's starting to get a little thicker and it's getting curly too.

Asher's always a little hard to get a picture of. He's been helping me a lot since I'm pregnant. He helps with the laundry, picking things up and helps the girls with whatever he can. He's got such a cute personality. He really cares about how Matt and I feel about him. If we are mad or frustrated he takes it really hard and wants us to be happy. One day he'll learn that if he listens I WILL be happy! He's so easy to take places now. In fact it's usually easier to have him there to help me with the girls than if I were to go somewhere when he was in school.
I love Piper's smile. I don't know how to explain her personality. She's just kind of wild and does what she wants. She loves to cuddle, and as soon as you pick her up she goes limp just laying on you, but usually is giving you a big hug too. I'll really miss that when she gets older. She just needs a lot of love! She skips almost everywhere she goes and is generally just happy. She does love to tease and loves the TV right now. She'd watch TV all day if I let her.

When the girls were babies people would always ask which twin was more dominant and we'd say Piper, or they'd guess Piper. As they've gotten older it's funny to see how much they've changed. Averi absolutely gets her way over just about everything. If Piper is playing with something and Averi decides she wants it she cries as though it's been ripped out of her hands and will throw a fit until she gets it. She is, out of the the 3 kids, my best listener though. She happily does what I ask and likes to make me happy by doing it. She's taken on the job of making sure nobody takes food out of the kitchen. If she thinks Matt has food in his hand she'll yell, "KITCHEN! KITCHEN!" until she's sees that there is no food or drink on the carpet. I actually really appreciate it. This is an example of Piper in the car and Averi feeling like it's hers.
I was a second too late on this picture. Piper sometimes will go to the bathroom on the toilet. And this time she decided to poop on the toilet and Averi sat in front of her on the ground with her hands on her knees telling her to push. It was cute, Averi was really trying to help Piper.
I got really lucky with this baby, I'd gotten rid of a lot of Asher's old clothes. A friend of mine gave me all of her baby boys clothes, and she had a ton! This bouncer was in with the clothes and the girls have loved it. They take turns in it. One will bounce the other singing, "Rock a baby". Piper found some 0-3 month bloomers to wear over her jeans. I think she wore them for about 3 days straight.
Piper's head in the background made me laugh when I noticed it. Here Asher is showing off his 2 silver teeth. We did one and went back a few weeks later to do the other one. When we were getting out of the car he goes, "Mom, I want either gold or silver teeth. I'd rather have gold, but silver if they don't have gold, but I don't want white!" I've gotten used to the silver now, but I prefer white. He does so good at the dentist too. He just acts so grown up and talks to the people there like an adult. It's so funny to watch and to see him grow up.
March 11th was the final move in day. The people who's house we're renting moved out on the 10th, we moved in on the 11th, and our renters moved in on the 12th. We were so lucky to have so much help. Matt's parents came down and really did just about everything. I packed for 2 weeks before, and that really helped, but it would've taken us so much longer than it did if we didn't have so much help. This was our first day in the house. I don't think anyone got naps or slept that well the first week. Averi just looks so sweet getting tired while all her cousins were over to play.
Since some cousins were over Piper was excited! I love that big smile!
The last couple of weeks I've really felt so grateful for our kids. They've gotten to the age where they are really so much fun. They play a lot together and love having siblings. When the girls go down for a nap Asher gets so bored! And when one of them wakes up they ask about the other one until they're up. It's cute to see how much they love each other. They say I love you to each other all the time. It melts my heart because that's what I want so much for them. Because all our kids will be so close in age I just tell myself that it's all worth it because they'll be each others best friends.
I got a little bench for the salon and it's really just the right size for the girls. Now that it's in the salon they sit on the bench and wait their turn to get their hair done. Asher never has cared about the salon, he never goes into it, he closes the door if too much noise is coming out of the salon and I just thought that the girls would feel the same way. They don't, they love it. They fight over getting their hair done, they love to get it washed and styled, everything in there is fun and they even like to be in there while I'm working. My only fear is that one day they'll sneak in and cut each others hair. I hope not! I'd probably better hide my scissors now.

I need to get some better pictures of Averi's dimple. It's cute and I never see it in the pictures I take.
She just always looks like she's trying to think of something to do that will make a huge mess.
This was cute, Piper went upstairs and got some socks for Averi and put them on her. Usually they don't like help with anything, but Averi was a good sport and totally let her put both of them on.
I love having Asher, he's so old and is so confident! He loves to do things on his own. We found a website and he's learning how to read. He's doing well, and I think I'm going to try to find some flash cards and he can learn addition and subtraction. He has really picked up on that. He's so excited for kindergarten this year. He'll get to ride the bus, I'm nervous about it, but he'll do great!

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