Monday, November 8, 2010

Our Growing Family

This last month has come with a lot of changes. About a month ago Matt and I were out on a date and I told him it seemed like I was "late". I've cried wolf a million times so we ate our Carrabbas dinner and thought nothing more of it. That night I just couldn't sleep, worrying about the fact that I might be pregnant. The next morning we packed up the kids and ran to Walmart.

I ran in, got a pregnancy test, took it then quickly shoved it back into the wrapper. I casually left the bathroom then got in the car. We started driving away and I told Matt that I took the pregnancy test I just haven't looked at it yet. He stopped and I pulled it out and sure enough there was a really dark second line. I just started crying. Matt just laughed. Then my next thought was, "TWINS?"

I tried not to think about the fact that it could be twins. Being pregnant was just such a change of mind set. My goal was to lose 15-20 pounds over the winter and be a skinnier and a faster triathlete. Very selfish, but it's just what I wanted to do. So over the last few weeks I've quickly turned to a more sluggish lifestyle. I ran 10 miles the week before I found out I was pregnant, and now it's all I can do to get up and take care of the kids. I got sick early with this pregnancy and it's just sucked all my energy from me!

But right now Matt and I both feel really lucky and excited for this baby. It doesn't take much to get excited for a baby. They're so sweet and it's really what makes us happy. We did go in and got an ultrasound. There is just one baby. That was such a relief!

I did what anyone would do if they just found out they were pregnant. Hurry and get family pictures.
This is my favorite family picture. This is the one I'll put up on the wall. I just love this picture! It's my wallpaper. It's ok to blow it up right now and really stare at it. I just can't get over it.

Isn't Asher so old? He really liked posing for this picture. He's 4 1/2 and looks like he's about 6. He acts that old, sometimes, too. He's been really interested in church, the scriptures, Heavenly Father and Jesus. He just asks so many questions and brings me his scriptures everyday and wants me to read them to him. He just doesn't want to hear anything else about Lehi's dreams!!

I love this picture too. I love how Piper looks like she's about to explode. She loved the attention, and would get so excited that she'd just take off running, giggling so hard. Aside from their faces their little hands are so cute.

The last couple of weeks has been really nice. The kids are getting along so well. All 3 are playing together a lot now. They'll go upstairs and play in their rooms for a long time with no crying. There's nothing better than watching them play together. I hope they're all good friends with each other as they grow up. I never expected to have my kids so close together but now that we're so quickly expecting the fourth I'm excited. I could potentially be done having kids then focus on being a triathlete without needing to ever get pregnant again! That's the way I'm looking at it now.


the dunns said...

Your pictures turned out so cute!!!! I love the family shot!

Rod and Jess said...

The pictures are beautiful of all of you! I'm so excited for you . . . and although you make darling twins, I'm relieved for you that it's just one for your sake! :)

Julie Kaye said...

I was just thinking about you today....wondering how life was going!! The pics are AWESOME!! I am just happy for you to feel excited for the baby! It is quite a feat to have four kids so fast--but you are amazing! I can't wait to know what you are having!!

Emily said...

Beautiful Pictures Jaci!! Congrats on the upcoming addition.

Whitney said...

Way cute pics! Congrats on being prego! Thats way fun. You have such a cute family! Your little boy is so cute! We watch him in primary! He's adorable. Hope all is well. Sorry i just randomly bumped into your blog.

The Cook Family said...

Congratulations, Moore family! I know the feeling of being overwhelmed to find out you're UNEXPECTEDLY expecting. I had to laugh when you said that you cried and Matt laughed when you found out. That exact same thing happened with my husband and I when we recently found our we were expecting our third child. We will have 3 under 3 years! I didn't feel ready, but ready or not, the Lord knows what we can handle. I know you are great parents and are trusted to raise these sweet little children. You are a beautiful family! Love the pictures!

Kelli Proctor said...

CONGRATS! So exciting and your family pics are beautiful!

Jayna said...

Congratulations Jaci, that's so exciting! Even though I am done I will forever miss the excitement of a new pregnancy, enjoy it. And hey it looks like we had the exact same goals for next year, lose some weight and become a faster triathlete! I probably won't do it either, but you have a much better excuse. I'll be stopping by soon, I've been meaning to bring clothes back for forever.

Allred Mom said...

Congratulations! And....I just LOVE your family pictures! They are so very cute! You all did great!

H20 said...

Oh nice!