Monday, July 11, 2011

4 Cute Kids

Here is Preston at one month old. He's so big! He's a sweet sweet baby. He's kind of got the same stomach issues that Piper had, minus the throwing up. He pretty much just eats and sleeps right now. He's awake for a little bit, but if he's up he wants to be eating. I can definitely relate to that!
I've really been able to enjoy this baby more than I have the others. With Asher being my first it was just a huge adjustment, then with the twins it was really overwhelming. But with Preston here it's fun! Life is already hectic and chaotic so one more little one isn't that big of a difference. The other kids sure love him! When I set him down I try to put him some place different each time so that no one knows where he is. We haven't really had any problems, but I don't want any either. If I can't find Piper I know that she's "checking on him". The other day she had climbed right into his pack and play. I don't know how long she had been there but she was sure happy there.

Averi and Piper always ask to hold it. They do a good job, they both love babies.

Piper likes to have her little fingers right by or in his mouth. When he was first born she was putting her face by his and he started sucking on her cheek. She loved it so much and was just giggling saying, "He likes me, he likes me!" That's what both of the girls say when they're around him and they get any kind of reaction from him.

The last few months I've have just felt extra grateful for Matt. He's been so so so helpful and sweet, with me and with the kids. They are a lot of work and the house is a lot of work. When I was pregnant Matt helped a ton and now with the baby I think he even helps more than he did. I'm so lucky to be married to him. I could go on and on about how much he does to help. The girls just absolutely love him. When Piper wakes up she just yells, "DAD... DAD... DAD" until he comes in and gets her. If I get her a lot of times she'll sit back down and say, "No, Dad." Then I'll explain that he's at work and she'll eventually let me get her. I'm sure I haven't been the funnest mom the last few months.

This 4th of July we did some fireworks at our house. It was overcast so it felt later than it was and we still got the kids down at their bedtime. The kids love to play outside. They spend quite a bit of time riding their tricycles around the driveway and sidewalk. They're really good to not go in the road. And Asher is a good example by staying on the sidewalk too.

The other day I was in the house feeding the baby and the kids all wanted to be outside. So I asked Asher if he'd help keep an eye on the girls and make sure they stay on the sidewalk. He goes, "Yeah, I'll be the lifeguard of the sidewalk. Some people are lifeguards of swimming pools, but I'm the lifeguard of the sidewalks." I wish I could remember and write down all the funny things the kids say. They're so much cuter in their little voices, but we'll just have to settle for me typing it.

Every time a fire work would go off all 3 kids would come running back up to me screaming. Screaming is a favorite pastime of all the kids!

There's nothing better than when these kids get along! There's SO MUCH teasing that it melts my heart when I see that they actually do love each other. When Asher chooses to he can be so sweet to the girls. I just love to see that side of him. The other night I woke up Asher to go to the bathroom and I told him I'd wait for him to come back in so I could cover him back up. He's such a deep sleeper and he was tiredly walking back to bed and then noticed me and came up and gave me a big hug and said he loved me and that he'd always remember me forever and ever, even when we get to heaven. I just love that boy! He likes to talk about how much we love each other. It actually makes me feel good because he doesn't listen that great and I end up threatening him with whatever just to get him to do anything, and I feel like he must think I'm so annoying (which he might, but that's fine). But he still loves me and tells me he knows that I love him and I always will no matter what.

My cute family!

This was so cute! The other night after my family birthday party Piper came downstairs with her baby in his car seat covered with a blanket. She also had her computer. So she sat down to "work" on her computer but checked on her baby every 2 seconds. Then acted a little put out that the baby was causing her so much grief so she picked up the baby and put him on the other side.

Then when the baby was fine she'd go back to the computer. I just wonder where she's seen someone get on the computer and then try to manage the children around her...

These kids have been at such fun ages. I'm always looking forward to the next phase in life, so I have been trying to just enjoy where they are. They really are so cute and do and say the cutest things all day.

One of my favorite things right now is listening to the twins together. Especially in the tub when they're stuck by each other. They have these little conversations and they totally understand what the other one is talking about. They pretend together a lot and even when they're pretending together they are both totally on the same page and without saying anything they both know all the rules for whatever it is that they're doing. They like to pretend that they're different animals and as soon as one is an animal the other one is scared of that animal. It's the funniest thing. So if Piper is a dog Averi runs over to me and wants me to keep her safe because she's scared of dogs. But if they're cats that's ok because cats are nice and not scary. Averi's been pretending to be a monster and she really just holds her elbows up high and behind her. It scares Piper SO BAD! It's just funny.

But they're sweet to each other too. If one of the girls is sad then the other will go look for their blanket and bring it to them. It's so sweet. Although usually there was some fight between them that led to the sadness in the first place.

Since Preston has come home a few things have changed. Averi wants me and only me all to herself. And she throws these fits and starts crying and screaming and just can't calm down. She usually has about 5-10 of them a day. She gets plenty of sleep and I give her a lot attention, sort of... but I don't know what to do about them. She's been waking up Preston with them so the last few days if Asher's willing I'll send her outside and have him go out there with her. She doesn't want to, but with in a few minutes she's happy again.

Also, when Preston came home Matt's parents then my parents came out for a while. I think with so many people here he felt like there were people everywhere so he didn't need to be so scared. He didn't really have to worry about going upstairs or downstairs by himself because there were just people everywhere. But I haven't heard him tell me he's too scared to do something for weeks now. It's so nice! We moved all the toys to his room and he also realized he has a lock on his door. So he's been locking himself in his room and playing, instead of cleaning for hours. I'm so happy. He is so much better when he has that alone time and can just use his imagination without the girls interrupting everything he does. So I'm very happy about that!

I'm planning on doing the St. George triathlon that I did last year. I started training again and have a ways to go but am really excited to be exercising again. I love riding my bike and will force myself to run and swim, but feel so happy that I'm exercising again.

1 comment:

Oh, Sweet!... said...

Wow, what an update! I love that you remember to write down the cute things they say when you remember. The sidewalk guard was hilarious! What a sweet boy watching out for his sisters! I need to come see you and that cute new baby! I don't even know where you moved to. I'll have to send you a text. I'm glad you are doing so well! Helpful husbands are the greatest blessing for sure! I'm glad all is well for your family! I sure miss you! Loves, Amy